Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our Little Princess: pre surgery update

We have had requests to have Ethan as a "guest blogger", wish granted. :)

Sorry we haven’t updated the blog in a couple of days. It has been a very busy getting baby Hannah ready for surgery. Hannah has been doing remarkably well these last few days. She went two days in a row without an apneic episode. YAY! Her vital signs have prompted comments like, “She is a rock star!” “Wow she is doing really well!” She has been very stable and has been so cute these last few days.

Kelli has been feeling a lot better which has allowed us to spend more time at the hospital. She is still very tried and has fallen asleep sitting up at the baby’s bedside several times. It is cute watching her fight off sleep so she can stay there with her baby.

The last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster, or in Kelli’s case and emotional waterfall (Niagra Falls, or maybe the Foz do Iguacu.  
To be honest Kelli has held it together remarkably well considering her baby girl would be undergoing major open heart surgery. The doctors and nurses have been so sweet and have given us a lot of opportunities to spend quality time holding our baby. Our nurse Sunday night had asked if I had held her and Kelli quickly piped up and told her that I was scared. I was quite nervous about holding her because she still had her umbilical line still in which would cause some major problems if it came out. The nurse told me, “We’ll we are about to get over it (being scared), right now.” Kelli got up and I got to hold my little angle baby. She is such a sweet little ity-bity baby. Most people just call her cute. I call her mine.
What has been cool about hanging out the NICU have given us opportunities to participate in her care. We help check her temperature, clean out her mouth, and change her diaper.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that Jack is still part of our family and we love him. He is still our favorite big brother and we are so excited to see him this weekend. He is playing with Nana in Fort Wayne while mommy and daddy take care of little sister.  This is something that we hadn’t really thought about.  We were so focused on surgery and Hannah that we didn’t think about how much we would miss you sweet Jack.  That sounds bad, we knew we would miss him, we just didn’t realize HOW difficult it would be to be away from him for so long.   
 The mittens are to keep her from pulling her feeding tube out...and to help her look dang cute!

Whenever she hears daddys voice she smiles!

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