Thursday, May 2, 2013


May 2

Nothing really interesting, but I have been having contractions this past week.  Nothing too painful so I ignored them.  I took Tylenol last night and hoped that by today they would be gone.  Still having contractions, so I called my doctor. 

They had me come in to get checked and we were all relieved that I would not be driving to Indy tonight to have a baby.  After checking "the barn door" the doctor says "we still have some cushion, but after your appointment on Monday I am going to call [the doctors in Indy] and negotiate the due date.  Their is no way you are going to make to the 20th, I am thinking sometime around the 10th."    He wants me to get as close to the 38 week mark as I can.  I will be 38 weeks Saturday the 11th. 

Oh wow, next week I might be on my way to Indy to have a baby!  YIKES


  1. Thinking of you guys.... all will be well! Love you and our almost born new little great niece!

  2. Baby is coming! Of course our prayers are with you.
